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A 'Man-Made' Return for Teenage Fanclub

After a long silence between records -- and fears that the group would call it quits -- Teenage Fanclub returns with a new collection of songs: Man-Made. It's their first full-length studio record in five years.

The album, the group's seventh, was produced by John McEntire, who also plays and produces music for Tortoise. And while hints of that band's earthy minimalism surface on Man-Made, the focus remains on the tried-and-true Teenage Fanclub formula: smart lyrics, energetic guitar work and effortless harmonies.

The results are being hailed as some of the band's best work since Bandwagonesque, which burst on the scene in 1992 and introduced the group to fans worldwide.

Copyright 2005 XPN

David Dye is a longtime Philadelphia radio personality whose music enthusiasm has captivated listeners of World Cafe® since 1991. World Cafe is produced by WXPN, the public radio service of the University of Pennsylvania.