By Casey Northcutt
Murray, KY – As Election Day draws near, Secretary of State Trey Grayson is encouraging citizens to take an active role in the event and volunteer to work polls as precinct election officers. Calloway County Clerk Ray Coursey says Election Day requires several volunteers to run smoothly, and many counties in the area, including Calloway, are looking for people to fill vacant positions or register as alternate precinct officers. "Calloway County has 30 voting precincts and each of those precincts has no less than four precinct election officers who operate the voting machines and get the voters signed in on Election Day as well as maintain a safe area for voters to vote and cut down on any kind of election erring or disruption to the election." Voters who will be 18 on or before November 4, 2008 are eligible to be precinct election officers and will be paid at least $60 per election plus additional payment for mileage and mandatory training. Those interested in volunteering may contact their local county clerk's office to sign up.