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Raul Malo Turns Out 'Lucky One'

Raul Malo first made his mark in the early '90s as the leader of the country hybrid group The Mavericks.
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Raul Malo first made his mark in the early '90s as the leader of the country hybrid group The Mavericks.

The Grammy-winning Latin-country star Raul Malo is back with his first solo album of original material in seven years. It's called Lucky One. He came by the studios of WPLN in Nashville, Tenn., to talk to host Liane Hansen about his new album.

Malo first made his mark in the early '90s as the leader of the country hybrid group The Mavericks. On many cuts on this new solo release, Malo seems to be channeling the ghostly voice and glimmering guitar lick of Roy Orbison. But that is not to say the album is without Malo's own distinctive style and personal touches. In fact, he recorded Lucky One in his living room, and on one tune he even gives a shout-out to his beloved Rottweiler, Albert.

Many of the songs on the album have a melancholy twist. "Hello Again," for example, is a seemingly upbeat tune that is actually about heartbreak.

"I've always liked songs that have a fun, happy sort of melody with sad lyrics," Malo says.

Malo will be on tour with his band until November.

Copyright 2009 WPLN News

Liane Hansen
Liane Hansen has been the host of NPR's award-winning Weekend Edition Sunday for 20 years. She brings to her position an extensive background in broadcast journalism, including work as a radio producer, reporter, and on-air host at both the local and national level. The program has covered such breaking news stories as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the capture of Saddam Hussein, the deaths of Princess Diana and John F. Kennedy, Jr., and the Columbia shuttle tragedy. In 2004, Liane was granted an exclusive interview with former weapons inspector David Kay prior to his report on the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The show also won the James Beard award for best radio program on food for a report on SPAM.