By Chris Taylor
Attorney Wayne Skigan
Metropolis, IL – A Massac County School District will get a chance in early November to contest an accusation that it has acted in contempt of court. The accusation stems from a prior ruling that ordered the school system provide retirees with preferred life insurance rates. The plaintiffs in the case argue that Massac Unit One is continuing to implement a two-group structure, separating retirees from current employees. The retirees claim they are charged a higher premium for life insurance. They allegedly previously agreed at a cheaper rate. The school system's attorney, Wayne Skigen, says the district's position is that the retirees are part of the current employees' group. They are asked to pay higher premiums based on their higher actuarial risk, and that the rate is still lower than that of individual coverage.
Skigan-- Our position is that the district has not acted in contempt of court, that there has not been any willful and contumacious violation of the court's order issued in January 2006.
The plaintiffs' attorney, Richard Kruger, says many of his clients can't afford the higher premiums and are basically uninsurable because of health problems.