By Angela Hatton
Washington, D. C. – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell commented Thursday on the Senate floor regarding proposed health care reform. The Kentucky Republican says the bills currently under consideration would rewrite one-sixth of the U-S economy. He urges caution in preparing the major overhaul.
"We are being told we must rush to pass this legislation, even though most of its provisions won't take effect for another five years - until 2014. That's a little bit like being asked to pay your mortgage four years before you're allowed to move into your house."
McConnell says the reforms under consideration would create massive tax increases on all levels. The senator says the bill poses a threat to Medicare with cuts in services and spending. He says estimates from the Congressional Budget Office show federal health care spending will go up as a result of the bill. McConnell calls for more input from the American public before moving forward with health care reform.