By Paco Long-Mendez
Murray, KY – It's every Coaches dream to have a perfect season. The Murray High Tigers began their winning streak back in August, something not seen here for 16 years. Tonight they face a fellow undefeated opponent, the Fort Campbell Falcons. It's the third game in a five game championship playoff, and if the Tigers pull a win tonight they will make Murray High history.
Coach- "Come on! You got to love this right here fellas, you gotta love this."
It's after three P-M on Wednesday at the Murray High School Practice Field. Players are sloshing through mud, struggling to keep their footing as they hone plays for tonight's game. Its overcast there is a light mist, biting wind and its cold enough to numb one's hands. Each player from the sturdy line backer to the agile receiver listens and react intently to the coaches during their two and a half hour practice.
The Tigers face off against the Fort Campbell Falcons, a team that snuffed out Murray's run for the State Championship last year leaving them 8 and 4 on the season. This year the Tigers are 12-0, their best season since 1993. Head Coach Steve Duncan says contributing factors to this winning streak are his powerful offensive line and his roster depth. He keeps fresh players on the field and works to minimize game stress. This roster also includes Duncan's son Christian who takes snaps as one of the teams co-quarterbacks. Duncan says he and his family are never really off the field.
"My youngest daughter when she was in kindergarten they asked her to right down what she wanted to be when she grows up she said she wanted to be a football coach (Laughter) so yeah we take it home with us."
If the Tigers beat the Falcons it will be Murray's winningest season in its 108 year history. The Falcon's which stand in Murray's way won't be a walk in the park like the Tiger's 12 games thus far. The Fort Campbell Falcons are currently 12-0 this season.
"Uh We're expecting a lot of speed and they've got great athletes, uh they're undefeated, uh won the state the last two years in a row, so we're going to see a great team out there and any team that is 12-0 this time of year is a great team,so we're 12-0 too."
Running back Brandon Wicks knows his team faces a strong opponent Friday but he remains confident.
"People saying that we can't beat them, but we know we can beat them, so we don't try to listen to them."
Wicks says the coaches give plenty of support during games telling them to never give up and to play their best. Wick's says everyone wants the state title, something Murray last earned in 1974 With Fort Campbell is standing in his way, his mantra is simple
"They're going to hit us we're going to hit them and we'll see what happens."
The Murray High Tigers and Fort Campbell Falcons take the field at Ty Holland stadium in Murray tonight at 7:30 PM. Win or lose, it's is going to be an exciting game.