By Angela Hatton
Paducah, KY – A nuclear power plant affected by last week's 8.9 earthquake in Japan continues to pose a danger. As workers try to stabilize the reactors at Fukushima, nuclear industry employees in other countries watch anxiously. The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant produces the uranium fuel used in power plants around the world, including Japan. The Paducah plant is also near the New Madrid fault line, which scientists have estimated has the potential to cause a major earthquake. Angela Hatton spoke with PGDP General Manager Steve Penrod about safety precautions, and the differences between power plants and enrichment plants.
Employees at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant are collecting money for the Red Cross to help the people affected by the Japanese earthquake. The United States Enrichment Corporation plans to match the funds raised. Find out more about the nuclear industry at