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HB 248 ‘holds everybody to the same standard’ for addiction recovery housing

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the City of Lexington more than $2.1 million in grant funding to help homeless persons.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the City of Lexington more than $2.1 million in grant funding to help homeless persons.

The president of the Kentucky Recovery Housing Network Advisory Board said House Bill 248, which Governor Beshear signed into law, will help Kentuckians trying to overcome alcohol and drug addiction. Gene Detherage Jr. said H-B 248 is one of the best pieces of recovery housing legislation in the country.

“It holds everybody to the same standard, which protects individuals seeking post treatment housing to continue a recovery lifestyle as they seek to recover from substance use disorder.”

Detherage said H-B 248 will encourage the bad actors in the recovery housing industry to improve – or leave the state.

“Pretty much every state surrounding Kentucky had already passed some level of legislation and nefarious actors from other localities then came to the Commonwealth to set up shop, which has caused issues in a lot of different places.”

Detherage said more than 50 homes have already gone through the Kentucky Recovery Housing Network certification process.

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John McGary is a Lexington native and Navy veteran with three decades of radio, television and newspaper experience.
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