At the 11th Annual Murray State University Department of History Dr. James Hammack Memorial Scholarship Banquet, author, educator, and historian Berry Craig delivered the keynote address, sharing stories of the politics and politicians who made Kentucky what it is today, as well as his remembrances of his former teacher, the late Dr. James Hammack.
WKMS begins a new audience service that brings you recordings of speakers at Murray State University, titled "Speaker's Corner." If you have a recording of a recent lecture or presentation at Murray State that you'd like to see featured in this section, please send an inquiry to you are bringing an interesting speaker to our region, contact us. We would like to give everyone a chance to hear the presentation. We can put the audio here at, with your help. This is a new service for Murray State University and our coverage area communities. We will also promote the presence of this recording at Speakers Corner on our air for two weeks following the date of the audio being placed online.We will schedule a flight of scripts identifying the presenter, subject, date and place of recording and sponsoring organization to be read by WKMS announcers during that time.E-mail with Speakers Corner as subject and give us the name of the presenter, subject of presentation, date and place of recording and sponsoring organization, and contact information for a person with whom we can discuss how you might help get the audio to us, because we will not always have personnel available to record. Thank you!