More than 5,500 people attended a concert Saturday night for the one of country music’s most popular acts, The Zac Brown Band. While the attendance didn’t set records the production setup at the CFSB center did. The center’s Wesley Hughes says the tour travels with 11 semi-trucks, nine of which were full of production gear.
“There were over 60 rigging points-which is crazy for the building,” said Hughes. Typically, Hughes said 30 to 40 points are used for an average show.
Riggers got to work on Friday. On Saturday, more than 50 people from the CFSB Center helped unload all the equipment at 8:30 a.m. Hughes said the stage was set at 5:30 p.m. in time for the 7:00 p.m. show. After the show there were over 70 staff dedicated to breaking down the tour equipment and getting the tour back on the road.