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The Civil War in the Western Rivers - A WKMS News Documentary

This documentary originally aired in 2011 and was revised in 2017.

An hour-long WKMS News production about the Union and Confederate confrontations, battles and tribulations in the Four Rivers Region, featuring a full cast performing the words of such Civil War-era luminaries as Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Listen to this documentary:


  • Drew Adams - Private J.V. Grief
  • Squire Babcock - President Abraham Lincoln
  • George Eldred - General Leonidas Polk
  • Elma Harris - Annie Boyd
  • Joe Haynes - John Brown, Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, Col. Stephen Hicks
  • Dr. Rusty Jones - General John C. Fremon
  • Zunni Matima - Mary Wooldridge
  • Gary Pitts - General Nathan Bedford Forrest
  • David Shelton - General Ulysses S. Grant
  • Micky Thomas - George Scruggs
  • Robert Valentine - Stephen Hale, Governor Beriah Magoffin, General George B. McClellan
  • David Weatherly - New York Times

With thanks to Berry Craig of West Kentucky Community and Technical College; Kendall Gott, Senior Historian, U.S. Army Combat Studies Institute; Drs. James Humphries and William Mulligan of Murray State University's Department of History; Jim Jobe, Fort Donelson National Battlefield Park Historian; and John E.L. Robertson.
Research Assistance: Dieter Ulrich, Murray State University Archivist, Special Collections Librarian Angela Hatton

Chad Lampe, a Poplar Bluff, Missouri native, was raised on radio. He credits his father, a broadcast engineer, for his technical knowledge, and his mother for the gift of gab. At ten years old he broke all bonds of the FCC and built his own one watt pirate radio station. His childhood afternoons were spent playing music and interviewing classmates for all his friends to hear. At fourteen he began working for the local radio stations, until he graduated high school. He earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology at Murray State, and a Masters Degree in Mass Communication. In November, 2011, Chad was named Station Manager in 2016.
Todd Hatton hails from Paducah, Kentucky, where he got into radio under the auspices of the late, great John Stewart of WKYX while a student at Paducah Community College. He also worked at WKMS in the reel-to-reel tape days of the early 1990s before running off first to San Francisco, then Orlando in search of something to do when he grew up. He received his MFA in Creative Writing at Murray State University. He vigorously resists adulthood and watches his wife, Angela Hatton, save the world one plastic bottle at a time.
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