The Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County host "A Day With Trains" this Saturday and next Saturday at the Pennyroyal Area Museum. Watch as conductors run five trains on two elaborate model train layouts. Museum Executive Director Alissa Keller joins Kate Lochte on Sounds Good to describe the train exhibits, the Christmas village and other arts and crafts activities scheduled for the event.
Celebrate "A Day with Trains" this Saturday and next at the Pennyroyal Area Museum, running model trains on display. There's the train that's always up and running at the museum, but for Pennyroyal Polar Express, extra trains have been brought in and run so that families, kids and adults can come in and feel that holiday nostalgia around the model trains.
There are five trains on two layouts, one in the main museum area and the other at the Fire & Transportation museum. One of the sets is a small town called "Little Progress" designed by Dan Cowherd. It features ceramic buildings created by his daughter and military scenes, such as a band playing.
The other layout is a replica of one that the Lionel model train company put out in 1955. The company made elaborate layouts to showcase their trains around Christmas, featuring many industrial train-like things including a water tower and moving parts like a man running up stairs, also levels and a tunnel.

In addition to the miniature trains, visitors can also explore a miniature Christmas village set up. The Lefton Colonial Village, from a local collector, is 16 buildings with a focus on a small down including a city hall, bakery, library, gazebo, ice-skating rink, churches, people, dogs, a priest and nun, a band, and more.
The museums are open from 10 to 3. The trains run from 11 to 1. Regular admission rates apply: $2 for adults, $1 for kids - per museum.