Everyone has their own style and feel of what the dream world is like, but what is like to experience someone else's dream? Murray State University Department of Theatre faculty Daryl Phillipy and Matthew Crider visit Sounds Good to preview an original theatre work, "That Dream You Had Last Night," which grew out of dream journaling by a class of students, including the nightmare sequence, this weekend in the Wilson Hall Studio Theatre.
The dream project theatre production "That Dream You Had Last Night" is the culmination of two semesters of work. The first semester focused on writing and adapting the dreams into a production, this semester the class stages the show. Each of the students were asked to journal their dreams for a month. The best dreams were chosen, tweaked and edited into a full-length production.
"I think one of the things we try to encourage as their mentors is that they take ownership of their artistic process, of their artistic voice."
Crider and Phillipy say the production feels like a dream, producing a fascinating effect that makes one feel like they are in the state of REM sleep. They wanted to focus on the aspect of storytelling, rather than psychology, capturing the feeling and emotion of the dreams felt upon immediately waking up from one.
The stories happen in a trio of arcs: the first dealing with relationships and loneliness, another about moving into new spaces and a third about nightmares. Between the plays are poems and scenes from Shakespeare sharing the theme of dreams.
The production is January 29, 30, 31 at 7:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall Studio Theatre 310B. Admission is free for students and the general public. For more information, call 270-809-4421.