Curtains! is a musical comedy/murder mystery about a failing musical about the classic story of Robin Hood, and includes a series of murders on set as the musical is prepared for it's opening. A lieutenant comes by to solve the case and fix the artistic problems of the show as well. On Sounds Good, Tracy Ross speaks with musical director Dr. Chris Mitchell, director Maribeth Crawford and lead actor Logan Sapp.
Curtains! is a unique, comedic experience says director Maribeth Crawford. She adds that it's a PG-13 rated show and includes live gunfire on stage.
Kander and Ebb were the songwriters of the musical, perhaps best known for their musicals Chicago and Cabaret. This production continues their tradition of jazz and ragtime sounds, Dr. Chris Mitchell says, with a satirical, cynical critique of the musical business.
Show Dates:
- November 19-21 at 7:30 p.m.
- November 22 at 2:30 p.m.
More about Curtains! at the MSU Music Department's Facebook page
Murray State's Roundabout U Goes Behind the Scenes: