The University of Louisville has issued a list of demands for Norton Healthcare over the company's decision to jointly operate Kosair Children's Hospital with the University of Kentucky. U of L argues that Norton has violated an agreement by allowing the partnership, and Attorney General Jack Conway is expected to release an opinion soon.
When Norton announced the partnership with UK last week, it surprised U of L.
“The very fact that Norton made that announcement absent any discussion with the U of L and has touted it as being, It’s all about better pediatric care, is absolutely nonsense,” he said
U of L Vice President of Health Affairs David Dunn says the school has already acted on the assumption it would further partner with Norton and Kosair. He says the school has spent millions of dollars expanding operations at the hospital, and he expected to be reimbursed under an eventual partnership.
“And they’ve [U of L] done it with the understanding that Norton at some point—we thought it was a long time ago—would make good on their promises, and these are verbal promises,” Dunn said.
Dunn has now sent Norton a letter saying it has 30 days to pay U of L millions of dollars he says the school spent while the two tried to negotiate their own contract with promise of reimbursement.
Attorney General Jack Conway is investigating the issue and Dunn expects he’ll release a statement sometime this week.