The 11th annual Security Matters Conference is coming up April 27. On Sounds Good, Michael Ramage and Tracy Ross discuss the conference and the importance of keeping cyber networks secure.
Ramage stresses that, despite media attention around hacking by Russia and the CIA, “most people are just not important enough for an organization like the CIA or Russians to target.” The Security Matters Conference will address those concerns but focus on threats like spear phishing emails and ransomware, things that Ramage says small businesses and individuals really need to worry about.
Conference registration and vendor exploration begins at 8:00 a.m. at Murray State University’s Curris Center. The conference kicks off at 8:45 with a welcome, followed by speakers and the annual TSM Awards Luncheon until 1:30 p.m. Speakers include Chris Sanders, founder of Applied Network Defense, John Gilbert, co-founder and Vice President of Strategic Planning for Blake-Philips, LCC, Hood Harris, President of AT&T Kentucky, and Ryan Green, President of Rygre Digital Marketing.
The conference ends with an exercise in responding to a compromised network. “We want them to actually sit around the table and discuss with their peers or with others what would they do and are you prepared for it,” Ramage said. “I think what many businesses will find is that though they may think they’re prepared, they’re not prepared enough.”
The conference is free and open to the public thanks to a sponsorship from Community Financial Services Bank. Event organizers ask people to register in advance at