According to the National Shooting Sport Foundation, sales for guns and ammunition across the country have skyrocketed in the last two weeks. One western Kentucky gun shop owner says his sales are on the same trend.
Steven Taves, owner of Gun and Knife Country in Oak Grove, Kentucky, said his store has seen a 300% increase in ammunition sales. Taves does not suspect the rise in sales is related to individuals’ anxieties over looting, but rather general preparedness.
“We’re running low on some calibers of ammunition and we definitely have seen a 300% increase in sales from last year,” Taves said. “I haven't heard anybody talking about looting or anything. It’s just a prepared thing.”
The NSSF said in a March 20 press release, “Right now, across America, tens of thousands of our fellow citizens are lining up at their local federally licensed firearm retailer to purchase firearms (after an industry-supported background check) and ammunition to protect themselves and family during this uncertain time.”
Taves said some Christain County magistrates have contacted the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife in an effort to move up opening day of turkey season in response to the meat insecurity in grocery stores.
As of now, the opening date for turkey season in Kentucky is April 18.