A company producing plastic goods is relocating to Paducah and plans to hire more than 200 employees, 80 within the coming weeks.
Greater Paducah Economic Development announced MAy 11 Plastic Services and Products, LLC will re-establish production in the former Genova Products building in Paducah. Bruce Wilcox, President of the Greater Paducah Economic Development (GPED), said his organization has been working with the company since December.
“We have been diligently working alongside Plastic Services and Products since December while they acquired the Genova assets. We are thrilled for what this acquisition means to our community and the employees who were displaced last fall,” Wilcox said. “These jobs are a tremendous blessing, especially considering all of the lay-offs and furloughs in the midst of this COVID 19 pandemic.”
According to a press release from GPED, Plastic Services and Products will begin recruiting employees in the coming weeks with the anticipation of hiring 80 employees to re-establish production. The company plans to hire up to 125 employees in the coming months.
Plastic Services and Products is a leading manufacturer of plastic pipe, fittings, and vinyl fencing. McCracken County Judge/Executive Craig Clymer called these new jobs “a strong win at a difficult time.”