By Barbara Cobb
Murray, KY – Last Saturday, while I was celebrating Commencement with my Murray State colleagues, I was thinking about beginnings and endings. I love the word Commencement: the name for the end of a college or high school or middle school or kindergarten or preschool career identifies that event not as an end, but as a beginning.
Every year at this time of year I go through a kind of commencement. It's almost a rebirth. I cherish this chance to stop what I'm doing, the usual routine, and to think about what I've done and who I am, to review the successes and failures, the joys and sorrows, the ups and downs, the things done and left undone, the bumps in the road.
WKMS's Fundraiser is in its commencement week. In thinking about ending this fundraiser, I'm thinking of what's just beginning.
What is commencing for you? Summer vacation? A job search? A new marriage? A move? A new role? A new responsibility? A new outlook on life?
And what do you need? A good read or some good music for your summer break? WKMS can help. Information on our region, our nation, our world? WKMS can help.
Inspiration for your heart, your mind, your thoughts? WKMS can help. A companion for the morning, the commute, the long day, the evening, the wee hours of the night when no one else is awake? WKMS and NPR can help.
While you are making your new beginnings, consider contributing to WKMS. What will WKMS contribute to the next phase of your life?
Will WKMS wake you up in the morning? Give you the time before you put your glasses on? Help you to choose your outfit by giving you an update on the day's weather?
Will WKMS keep you company in the car? Or the kitchen? the cubicle? the barn?
Provide you with the information, the inspiration, to do your good work?
Will WKMS give you the knowledge you need to make prudent financial decisions in this period of economic instability? Will it help you to know what questions to ask and what to look out for? Will it give you the information you need to make a decision about a job, or a career path? Will it inspire you to take on a new responsibility or to volunteer for a worthy cause?
I call on my friends and neighbors and colleagues, those few I serve, and those many whose services I need, to all in my Western Kentucky community who, like me, need information, who need inspiration, who need company, who need to know what time it is before I can grab for my glasses, to take this opportunity to commence in contributing to WKMS.
It's time for a new beginning. If WKMS contributes to your life, it's time to contribute to WKMS.