From NPR: Decimated by hunters, insecticides and other human pressures in the 1960s and 1970s, America's emblematic bird is once again flying high. Roughly 10,000 mated pairs now nest in the continental U.S., up from about 500 in the 1970s. But more birds also means fierce competition for territory and mates.
Kentucky: Chad Chancellor and the Paducah Economic Development are poised to step in as the new Paducah Area Community Reuse Organization administrator. Murray State University’s Faculty Senate met with the presidential search firm yesterday to discuss what they think the university needs. Alison Lundergan Grimes is pushing the idea of raising the minimum wage in order to grow the middle class. Grimes is also getting fundraising help from a big name in the entertainment industry for her Senate campaign. Gov. Steve Beshear's expansion of Medicaid will be upheld in a court decision.
Tennessee: Gov. Bill Haslam is still pushing an initiative to increase the number of Tennesseans with at least a two-year college degree or certificate.