A woman with 35 years of experience evaluating and treating adult sex offenders is leading training sessions throughout Kentucky. One such program attracted well over 100 people Monday in Lexington.
Nationally Known Child Sexual Assault Trainer Comes to Lexington
Cory Jewell Jensen is with the Center for Behavioral Intervention in Oregon. She spoke to those working in areas like law enforcement, school counseling, nursing and child protective services.
The aim is to train these people to form teams to lead public meetings at churches and schools. Jewell Jensen says most parents don’t have classes about sex offenders, even though between 15 and 20 per cent of children will be sexually-abused. “A certain percentage of us will have our kids grow up to be sex offenders and that’s equally important for parents to know how to address and identify because the earlier we catch that problem the more likely we can resolve it,” said Jewell Jensen.
Jewell Jensen says the term "cured" is not used in treatment, but a surveillance network is needed. She says most people in treatment programs suggest child molesters never spend time alone with any child.
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