Bowling Green organizers are planning a local March for Science in support of the national event on April 22, which is Earth Day.
Scientists from around the country are planning the March for Science in Washington, D.C. The national event is a grassroots response to some of President Trump’s policies that threaten to cut funding for research and restrict the ability of scientists to publish their findings.
Environmentalists are also concerned because Trump appointed some leaders in his administration who deny that humans have a substantial impact on climate change.
The national and local marches are intended to spotlight the ways science is critical in daily life and for the future.
One of the organizers of the Bowling Green march is Brittiny Moore. She’s a senior at Western Kentucky University majoring in geology.
“We want to make this about a celebration for science and less of the political viewpoint. So we’re going have these speakers come out and talk about the wonderful things they’re doing in science, the really cool interesting things.”
Moore said one reason she decided to participate in the march is because after graduate school, she will be in the job market.
“Being a geologist, my big outlooks are the National Park Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, those kind of things. When those are in danger it makes me want to get out there and try to protect them.”
The Bowling Green March for Science will begin at 1 p.m. April 22, at the Hardin Planetarium on the WKU campus. Other Kentucky marches are planned for Louisville and Lexington.