Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner James Comer says the federal disaster declaration that has been issued for 26 counties in the Commonwealth will help farmers there recover from severe drought.
The counties, mostly in Western Kentucky, have had very little rain since the start of the growing season April 1st and have just endured one of the hottest and driest June’s ever.
The disaster announcement, comer says, is at least some consolation…
"What that means is that they will be eligible to receive emergency loans. It also means that if there is any land in the conservation reserve program it will be opened up to cut hay. It’s an awareness that there’s a serious problem out here and the federal government is trying to do whatever it can to try and deal with a bad situation."
Comer adds the emergency loans will be offered with record low interest rates, allowing farmers to continue with production and salvage what crops they have left. Among the counties listed in the declaration are Carlisle, Daviess, and Logan.