Kentucky’s fourth district congressional race has thus far centered around the seven candidate GOP primary. But there are two democrats vying to replace retiring longtime lawmaker Geoff Davis. Greg Frank is active duty military. He argued for bringing troops home from Afghanistan on KET’s Kentucky Tonight.
“Balanced budget and getting out of Afghanistan as quickly as possible are primary. I believe in term limits. The platform believes in drug testing for all federal employees, being in the military I get drug tested regularly. I think its only fair that the people who are sending the military in harm’s way should be drug tested as well,” says Frank.
The other democratic candidate, William Adkins, did not participate in the KET program.
Kentucky Fifth District Congressman Hal Rogers has had a secure hold on his representative seat for decades. But two democratic candidates are seeking to end his tenure in Washington. Attorney Michael Ackerman says elected officials the nation’s capital should enact policies to provide the most benefit to the most people.
“I think the only voices that are heard are the ones that scream the loudest, and the ones that scream with their wallets. Whether it’s in the form of direct contributions through election campaigns or whether it’s less direct financing and less direct favors the status quo in congress is it’s pay to play and I think that’s wrong,” says Ackerman.
Attorney Kenneth Stepp is the other democratic candidate in the fifth congressional race. Ackerman and Stepp both appeared on Kentucky Tonight. You can hear the full broadcast on WKMS every Tuesday at noon.