City documents show that recently fired Murray City Clerk Harla McClure was let go due to a dispute over a city sticker.
The city requires residents living or working in Murray to purchase a $50.00 sticker to display on their vehicle license plate. The city alleges McClure's daughter used McClure's sticker. McClure then reported the sticker stolen because she wasn’t aware her daughter took it.
McClure says when she asked city officials how they got their information she was shown a picture of her daughter’s license plate. McClure says she asked who took the picture, and was informed the picture was taken by Murray Finance Director Alan Lanier in a Murray State University parking lot.
Murray Police Department spokesman Sgt. Scott Svebakken says enforcement of city stickers is usually left to the police department, and stickers are not typically cross checked to make sure they are on the correct car.
McClure’s attorney Thomas Clay says Mayor Bill Wells held a pre-termination hearing after the incident. He says,
“The mayor heard people who are current employees of the city of Murray including department heads, and former employees of the city of Murray including several former city clerks, who came in and vouched for Harla McClure’s integrity and her proficiency and professionalism in the discharge of her duties as city clerk.”
Clay says despite the support, Wells sent McClure a termination letter last Wednesday that listed dishonesty and lying as reasons for her firing. In a grievance letter sent to the city, Clay claims Wells’ decision was unfair. He says,
“There’s certain policies and procedures that are applicable to city employees and from my examination of the facts in this proceeding we had in front the mayor last week he violated those policies and procedures by terminating Ms. McClure’s employment.”
Clay says none of the information provided by the mayor in the termination letter is evidence of dishonesty or lying on McClure’s part. He says if McClure is not reinstated as city clerk, they intend to file a lawsuit. City officials are withholding comment while legal proceedings are ongoing.
Letters from both the City and McClure are attached.
Letter from the city: