Join us for a Hopkinsville Mayoral Forum from Murray’s Regional Campus multi-purpose room, starting at Noon on Friday, September 5. The race includes three candidates – Democrat Joey Pendleton, Independent Walter Shamble and Republican Carter Hendricks. The community is invited to participate in this live radio broadcast.
The hour-long forum begins promptly at noon, so it would be helpful for audience members to be seated by 11:45. This will be the first forum for the mayor’s race since the May primary and the first time Hendricks, Pendleton and Shamble have participated in the same candidate forum.
Hopkinsville’s Carolyn Self has agreed to co-moderate the Forum alongside WKMS News Director and Assistant Station Manager Chad Lampe. Retired as Associate Executive Director for Clinical Programs at the Pennyroyal Mental Health/Mental Retardation Center and currently a consultant, trainer and therapist in in private, independent practice, Mrs. Self serves as President of the Hopkinsville League of Women Voters (for the fourth time in 25 years) and of the Hopkinsville Art Guild. She also serves on the board of Pennyroyal Hospice in addition to many other civic and First Baptist Church activities.
You can submit questions a few different ways.
1. You can comment below this post: please include your full name.
2. Email your questions to
3. Watch our send questions through the WKMS Facebook Page
Hendricks is former President/CEO of the Christian County Chamber of Commerce. Shamble is retired and self-employed, a human rights activist and previous mayoral candidate. Pendleton served as Kentucky 3rd District State Senator from 1993 through 2012 and is a farmer.