WKMS staff will have ongoing coverage throughout today and tonight with the latest poll results in state and local elections. Information on Kentucky election results are here.
Tennessee numbers come from the Tennessee Board of Elections website. Illinois numbers are from WBEZ.
Races with a candidate's name italicized and in bold have been named winner.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook as we'll be posting updates and winners.
U.S. Senate: 92% reporting
Senator Dick Durbin (D) - 1,664,853 (53%)
Jim Oberweis (R) - 1,341,092 (43%)
Sharon Hansen (L) - 117,453 (4%)
Governor: 92% reporting
Gov. Pat Quinn (D) - 1,449,977 (46%)
Bruce Rauner (R) - 1,587,787 (51%)
Chad Grimm (L) - 105,462 (3%)
12thDistrict U.S. House: 93% reporting
Rep. Bill Enyart (D) - 68,021 (39%)
Mike Bost (R) - 97,003 (55%)
Paula Bradshaw (Green) - 10,267 (6%)
15thDistrict U.S. House: 91% reporting
Rep. John Shimkus (R) - 146,965 (75%)
Eric Thorsland (D) - 50,129 (25%)
Advisory Question 1: Raise Minimum Wage: 90% reporting
Yes - 2,022,659 (67%)
No - 988,045 (33%)
Advisory Question 2: Cover Contraception: 90% reporting
Yes - 1,979,802 (66%)
No - 1,010,342 (34%)
Advisory Question 3: Raise Income Tax: 90% reporting
Yes - 1,893,100 (64%)
No - 1,065,490 (36%)
Amendment 1: Expand Victim Rights: 90% reporting
Yes - 2,265,763 (78%)
No - 630,873 (22%)
Amendment 1: Expand Victim Rights: 89% reporting
Yes - 2,003,363 (71%)
No - 813,859 (29%)
U.S. Senate
Senator Lamar Alexander (R) - 849,270 (61.89%)
Gordon Ball (D) - 436,902 (31.84%)
Gov. Bill Haslam (R) - 950,785 (70.29%)
Charlie Brown (D) - 308,597 (22.38%)
7thDistrict U.S. House
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) - 110,498 (70%)
Daniel Cramer (D) - 42,260 (26.77%)
8thDistrict U.S. House
Rep. Stephen Fincher (R) - 122,205 (70.84%)
Wes Bradley (D) - 42,403 (24.58%)
67thDistrict State House (Clarksville)
Rep. Joe Pitts (D) - 6,153 (69.99%)
Mike Warner (I) - 2,638 (30.01%)
68thDistrict State House (eastern, southern Montgomery County)
Rep. Curtis Johnson (R) – unopposed
74thDistrict State House (western Montgomery, Houston and Humphries counties)
Rep. John Tidwell (D) - 4,985 (48%)
Jay Reedy (R) - 5,400 (52.0%)
75thDistrict State House (Henry, Benton and Stewart counties)
Rep. Tim Wirgau (R) - 8,719 (62.19%)
Randy Patton (D) - 4,628 (33.01%)
76thDistrict State House (Weakley, part of eastern Obion and northern Carroll counties)
Rep. Andy Holt (R) - 8,958 (69.51%)
Joyce Washington (D) - 3,930 (30.49%)
77thDistrict State House (Lake, Dyer and most of Obion counties)
Rep. Bill Sanderson (R) – unopposed
Amendment 1
Shall Article I, of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language as a new, appropriately designated section:
Nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion. The people retain the right through their elected state representatives and state senators to enact, amend, or repeal statutes regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest or when necessary to save the life of the mother.
Yes - 728,543 (52.62%)
No - 655,878 (47.38%)
Amendment 2
Shall Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by deleting the first and second sentences and by substituting instead the following:
Judges of the Supreme Court or any intermediate appellate court shall be appointed for a full term or to fill a vacancy by and at the discretion of the governor; shall be confirmed by the Legislature; and thereafter, shall be elected in a retention election by the qualified voters of the state. Confirmation by default occurs if the Legislature fails to reject an appointee within sixty calendar days of either the date of appointment, if made during the annual legislative session, or the convening date of the next annual legislative session, if made out of session. The Legislature is authorized to prescribe such provisions as may be necessary to carry out Sections two and three of this article.
Yes - 831,125 (60.92%)
No - 533,208 (39.08%)
Amendment 3
Shall Article II, Section 28 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the final substantive paragraph within the section:
Notwithstanding the authority to tax privileges or any other authority set forth in this Constitution, the Legislature shall not levy, authorize or otherwise permit any state or local tax upon payroll or earned personal income or any state or local tax measured by payroll or earned personal income; however, nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting any tax in effect on January 1, 2011, or adjustment of the rate of such tax.
Yes - 881,842 (66.22%)
No -449,752 (33.78%)
Amendment 4
Shall Article XI, Section 5 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by deleting the following language:
All other forms of lottery not authorized herein are expressly prohibited unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of all members elected to each house of the general assembly for an annual event operated for the benefit of a 501(c)(3) organization located in this state, as defined by the 2000 United States Tax Code or as may be amended from time to time.
and by substituting instead the following language:
All other forms of lottery not authorized herein are expressly prohibited unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of all members elected to each house of the general assembly for an annual event operated for the benefit of a 501(c)(3) or a 501(c)(19) organization, as defined by the 2000 United States Tax Code, located in this state.
Yes - 902,212 (69.60%)
No - 394,075 (30.4%)