Kentucky Democrats are looking to unite a divided party at the “Come Together and Fight Back Tour” on Tuesday in Louisville.
The event features Vermont Senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Democratic National Convention Chair Tom Perez.
Kentucky Democratic Party Communications Director Daniel Lowry said he hopes events like this will garner enough support for a comeback in next year’s mid-term elections.
“We’re trying to connect with grassroots activism and we’re trying to make people understand that we’re fighting for working families. And the more events like these with star names the better," he said.
Lowry said Sanders and Perez will focus on issues like raising the minimum wage, equal pay for women, combating climate change and building infrastructure.
The event is Tuesday at the Louisville Palace from 7 to 9 p.m. The event is free, but advanced RSVP is recommended.
Sanders and Hillary Clinton were nearly evenly split in Kentucky’s presidential democratic primary last year.