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Murray to Implement a Two-Phase Police Pay Progression Program

Matt Markgraf, WKMS

  Police in Murray are getting a pay raise. The Murray City Council recently passed an ordinance to increase police wages through a pay progression program beginning next week.

The program consists of two phases with the first going into effect December 29, 2017. Officers will receive a base salary and be placed into pay categories determined by years of service.

Those taking on leadership roles will receive an additional amount added to their hourly wage. The plan will not impact workers in clerical or administrative positions, including the Chief of Police. Phase one will have a budget impact of approximately $87,000.

Phase two begins at the start of the new fiscal year on June 29, 2018. The recruit and police officer starting rate will be increased again along with the variants between the pay categories. The resulting budget impact could range from an estimated $526,000-597,000 due to impacts made by the Kentucky Retirement Systems.

The ordinance was passed to help the department become more competitive in recruiting and retaining qualified officers.

The decision follows the implementation of a city payroll tax that passed in August. The city tax goes into effect January 1, 2018.


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