The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends anyone going into public places wear a cloth face mask for protection.
CDC officials recommend wearing cloth face coverings, even homemade cloth face masks, when entering public places, such as grocery stores and pharmacies, where social distancing is more difficult to maintain. The recommendation also extends to “areas of significant community-based transmission.”
The cloth face masks could help prevent people who aren’t aware they have the virus from potentially spreading it to others, the CDC contends, and can be made by repurposing items many people already have in their homes.
The CDC warns cloth face masks should not be placed on children under the age of 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance.
CDC officials said the cloth face masks should be routinely washed in a washing machine. The CDC also recommends individuals take care not to touch their eyes, nose or mouth while removing the mask, and immediately wash their hands after removal.
The CDC issued directions for three types of cloth face masks which may be made at home. One design requires sewing and two designs do not.