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Verbal Jousting in the Capitol

By Tony McVeigh

Frankfort, KY – Kentucky lawmakers return to Frankfort Monday for a special session on Medicaid. Gov. Steve Beshear is ordering them back, for failing to fix Medicaid during the 30-day regular session. Beshear blames Senate President David Williams for the failure. Williams blames Beshear. But Williams says an agreement still may be possible.

"This is a tax bill, an appropriation bill. They'll start it down in the Kentucky House of Representatives. And we'll continue to try to talk them into doing something reasonable, so they don't blow a huge hole in next year's budget."

Raising the state's drop out age from 16 to 18 is also on the agenda. The special session, the second one in ten months, will cost taxpayers more than 60-thousand dollars per day.