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Psychologist Testifies Carneal Was Incompetent

By Chris Taylor

Paducah, KY – A clinical psychologist testified in court yesterday that convicted Heath High School shooter Michael Carneal was likely incompetent when he pleaded guilty 13 years ago to killing three classmates and wounding five others. Psychologist Dewey Cornell testified it wasn't until 2004 that Carneal had gained enough control over his mental illness to rationally understand his crime. Cornell says Carneal exhibits many signs of paranoid schizophrenic disorder and was not competent to cooperate with his defense during his initial hearing. U.S. District Judge Thomas Russell is hearing the case and has yet to rule. The Paducah Sun reports if Russell rules in Carneal's favor, it would open the door for Carneal to challenge his guilty plea on grounds he was too incompetent to accept responsibility for the shooting.