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UK Presidential Search Commitee Selects List of Finalists

By Brenna Angel

Lexington, KY – The list of candidates in the running to become the 12th president of the University of Kentucky got a lot smaller today. A committee charged with recommending finalists to UK's Board of Trustees did just that after meeting for five hours in closed session. Trustees chairman Britt Brockman had initially said the search committee would pick three to five finalists, but the number of people making the latest cut has not been revealed.

"Their impression of how they could take this university to the next level be that the Top 20 mandate that we've had, we've had a diverse pool of opinions as to how to get there. And I think it's important to present to the board a diverse group of candidates rather than just a small group that all look the same."

It appears all the finalists are men. When asked if there were any women in the group, Brockman paused and said "diverse." The UK Board of Trustees plans to interview finalists on April 30 and possibly name a preferred candidate on May 1st. That person would then be presented to campus on May 2nd.