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West KY Men Gaining More in Life Expectancy Than Women

By Angela Hatton

Murray, KY – Men in western Kentucky gained more in life expectancy than women did in a study comparing life expectancy from 1987 to 2007. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation study measured life expectancy in U. S. counties based on international standards. McCracken, Carlisle, and Ballard counties gained the most, with men there living 3.6 years longer. Women gained the most in Trigg and Caldwell counties, adding 1.2 years. Doctor Aruni Bhatnagar is the director of the Diabetes and Obesity Center at the University of Louisville.

"Maybe the changes in the men life expectancy are much faster because there are much more gains to be made there, than in the women's life expectancy which may already be appearing to reaching a plateau."

Women in western Kentucky still live eight years longer on average than men. He adds other research suggests increases in heart disease and diabetes could erode gains in life expectancy.