By Gary Pitts
Murray, KY – Details are now available regarding Murray State University's extended family qualified dependent insurance benefits. MSU President Dr. Randy Dunn announced access to the benefits yesterday during his State of the Univeristy Address.
An Extended Family Dependent (Partner) is:
-Age 18 or older and mentally competent to consent; and
-Either not related by blood to the employee or if a blood relative (or relative by adoption or marriage) is of the same or younger generation of the employee; and
-Not legally married to anyone; and
-Not currently eligible for any part of Medicare; and Residing in the employee's household and have done so for a period of at least 12 months; and
-Financially interdependent (for example, have joint checking account or joint mortgage) for 12 months or longer, which is demonstrated by providing proof of existence of at least one of the following:
-Joint mortgage or lease or other evidence of common residence such as joint utility bills
-Durable property or health care power of attorney
-Joint ownership of a motor vehicle
-Joint checking account/credit account Designation of each other as the primary beneficiary in a will, life insurance policy, or retirement plan.
The employee will pay the full cost of the premium (the employee share and the employer share) and this will be paid after tax.