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Dr. Dunn on University Performance Funding

By Gary Pitts

Murray, KY – A budget proposal by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education ahead of the 2012 legislative session would link performance by the state's public universities to extra state funding. Council Vice President John Hayek says the measure will put pressure on institutions to improve. Murray State President Dr. Randy Dunn says MSU is the best of the best among Kentucky's comprehensive public universities, and he believes the school can meet any goals set forth by the council. But he says he does have some concerns about fairness.

" that we don't have shifting targets, that through the legislative process things don't favor toward a certain institution. As long as the rules get set, and stay constant, and remain fair, then Murray State University is in as good a position as any public institution."

The performance metrics are linked in the CPE's 2.4 billion dollar state budget request.CPE officials say the performance based funding model is in an effort to boost the commonwealth's low national rankings in educational attainment.