(1.) COLSTON ON THE CAPITOL –- Lawmakers in Frankfort have been hard at work over the past week in the Kentucky General Assembly. A proposed state-wide indoor smoking ban cleared its first legislative hurdle and the senate has passed four constitutional amendments. Kentucky Public Radio Capitol Bureau Chief Kenny Colston gives Rick Howlett the latest on what’s happening in Frankfort.
(2.) WEST KENTUCKY WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD -- For the past 14 years, the non-profit West Kentucky Workforce Investment Board has worked with the unemployed in our region to provide resources for those looking for new jobs. The WKWIB released a draft of their economic development plan for the next year this week. Shelly Baskin spoke with the board’s local director Shelia Clark about the W-I-B’s goals and their plan to meet them.
(3.) WESTERN KENTUCKY HOMELESS –- Paducah’s homeless population has seen several changes in the past few months. The long-standing community Tent City was closed in December and now the residents are finding new places until a permanent shelter is opened in the city. Rose Krzton-Presson explores how homelessness in the more rural parts of Kentucky provides unique challenges and opportunities to those who find themselves without a roof over their head.