Kentucky voters might see a third party candidate on the ballot this year that is a product of a new online national primary. We’ll learn about Americans Elect and more.
(1.) COLSTON – This week Kentucky Senator Julie Denton accused Medicaid managed care organization Coventry Cares of underpaying hospitals and that if the organization didn’t straighten up that she’d have the state end its contract with the company. That story took up much of Kentucky Public Radio Capitol Reporter Kenny Colston’s time this week. He speaks with Rick Howlett about the dust up. He begins by describing an MCO’s role.
(2.) JUDICIAL CUTS-Sweeping budget cuts have forced the state Judiciary to turn to furloughs, program cuts and possible layoffs mostly unseen in Kentucky courts. WKMS’ Drew Adams delves into the cost saving measures, some of which hurt working professionals more than it does judges.
(3.) AMERICANS ELECT-Kentuckians might be among the majority of states to see a third party candidate for president on the ballot this fall. It’s also possible that candidate will be the product of the nation’s first ever online primary. The non-profit Americans Elect has spearheaded the program. National Campus Director Blake Wright joins me to talk about how the whole thing works. Blake Thanks for joining me.
(4.) CARLISLE/BALLARD LIBRARY 2-WAY -After several years of planning, Ballard and Carlisle County residents will have access to their own library. The Ballard-Carlisle Library has opened with funds supplied by the Ballard Fiscal Court. WKMS’s Shelly Baskin spoke with Librarian Sonya Mainord about the services the new library will provide for patrons.
(5.) TRACK TECH EQUINE HEALTH- We’re in Triple Crown season with the Preakness next Saturday. Some of the finest equine health care in the world is centered in the Kentucky Bluegrass, and advances in veterinary medicine give those who can afford it an edge at the track. Kentucky Public Radio’s Leslie Guttman reports on how advances in veterinary medicine give those who can afford it an edge at the track.
(6.) LOWERTOWN ARTS AND MUSIC FEST --The 2012 Lower Town Arts and Music Festival gets underway in Paducah next Friday. The three day event brings together artists, musicians, and restaurants from the 350 miles around the River City. It also brings festival-goers from just as far. For a preview of what’s new this year, Todd Hatton speaks with festival co-director, and Lower Town artist, Michael Terra.
(7.) QUEBE SISTERS 2-WAY -- The Quebe Sisters Band is made up of Grace, Sophia, and Hulda Quebe as well as Joey McKenzie and Drew Phelps. The young Texans play triple fiddles in the country western style and have played with ensembles ranging from the Grand Ole Opry to the Reno Philharmonic Orchestra. They’ll be visiting Paris, TN at the Krider Performing Arts Center next week. Rose Krzton-Presson spoke with Sophia Quebe about life as a sister and musician.