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the morning cram [I'm so fracking sick of this edition]

"And all of a sudden your tongue gets this metal taste on it. And it feels like it's enlarging, and it just feels like you're not getting enough air in, because your throat gets real 'burn-y.' And the next thing I know, I ... passed out..."

NPR reports as many claim pollution from fracking has made them sick, experts are still divided on how much of a health concern it is. 

Kentucky ~ The replacement span made to the Eggners Ferry Bridge. The Paducah CCC has a 'bare bones' budget. An ex-tourism chief is accused of misusing funds. G-I Jane makes gains. 4th District republicans on KY Tonight. 

Tennessee ~ Students make gains in science

Gary Pitts is a music loving outdoorsman who coincidentally loves outdoor music. He is a student at Murray State pursuing a music minor to complement his history major. Gary is a member of the MSU Guitar Ensemble and greatly enjoys the Latin grooves he and the other ensemble members get throw down on. When he is not producing news, jamming on his guitar, or pursuing music history research, he is usually canoeing or biking somewhere in nature with his wife Siobian.
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