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Afternoon Round-Up 6/21/12

Today on NPR: When complete, Interstate 69 will provide a direct route from Mexico to Canada through the Midwest. Indiana must build miles of road to complete its leg of the project, but funding for the necessary construction is dwindling.

Western Kentucky:

Murray State students have been encouraged to register for the wet/dry vote. However, a noticeable increase has not been seen.

The City of Madisonville is giving $10,000 for renovations to the Hopkins County-Madisonville Public Library.

Two Calloway County School District alternative education programs are among Kentucky’s 10 Best Practice Sites for 2012.

Around the Commonwealth:

The Kentucky Supreme Court has limited how police can trick or lie to suspects to gain access to areas where they don't have permission or a warrant to go.

Jobless rates have improved in 107 Kentucky counties.

The grandmother of Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes has died.



To see news from this morning, click here for our morning cram.

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