Today on NPR: When Star Wars fans saw that the dwelling in the Tunisian desert was decaying, they jumped into hyperspace — OK, the Internet — to save it. A call on Facebook to help restore the sandy igloo first featured in Episode IV: A New Hope netted $11,000.
Rising Temps:
Ten counties in our area have opened cooling stations.
Clarksville water customers are under a mandatory water restriction notice.
Appearing on Fox & Friends, U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth defended the Affordable Care Act on Monday.
Republicans are doubling down on their efforts to repeal the health care law and they’re getting assistance from some powerful Kentucky lawmakers.
Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee:
An Illinois judge is scheduled to rule this afternoon on whether Gov. Pat Quinn must give 2 percent pay raises to state workers.
Henry County, Tennessee, has reduced its county wheel tax by more than half two years ahead of schedule.
A group of Kentucky lawmakers has a new summer assignment shoring up the state'?s failing pension systems.
Traffic is back to normal on the Eggners Ferry Bridge.
The Kentucky Lottery is projecting record sales this year.