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Front Page Sunday - September 16 Episode

The Black Patch Tobacco War in our part of the country was the most pronounced activity of military aggression between the civil war and the civil rights movement, we learn from Christian County Historian William T. Turner the key players in that conflict and how it’s remembered. 

Also, we’ll speak with futurist Ivan Potter on the lasting effects of this year’s drought, and Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Bill Cunningham’s take on the changing interoperations of the U.S. Constitution. Plus the history of Fulton’s Banana Festival and details about a Japanese performance group coming to MSU. 

(1.) BLACK PATCH TOBACCO WARS - The black patch tobacco wars of the early 20th century pitted farmer against farmer as a group of men sworn to secrecy used destructive tactics to coerce collective action. Hopkinsville’s Pennyroyal Area Museum commemorates the war with several activities starting Friday (September 21). Official Historian for Hopkinsville and Christian County William T. Turner recounts the story of the Tobacco War  in conversation with Kate Lochte. 

(2.) CUNNINGHAM CONSTITUTION DAY -  Recommended readings on the black patch wars include “The Tobacco Night Riders of Kentucky and Tennessee: 1905-1909” by James Nalland “On Bended Knees: The true story of the Night Rider Tobacco War in Kentucky and Tennesseeby Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Bill Cunningham. Cunningham, also gives tomorrow’s keynote at Murray State’s Constitution day celebration.  The title of his presentation, “The Fourth Amendment; the Majesty of the Ruined Tenement,” references a statement attributed to William Pitt while he was speaking about the cider excise tax in the British House of Commons in 1763.  Judge Cunningham gave WKMS a preview of the speech this week. 

(3.) FUTURIST IVAN POTTER - Ivan Potter is a futurist and publisher of the West Kentucky Journal.  Mr. Potter has advised Kentucky governors and American presidents on rural development and intergovernmental relations.  Todd Hatton speaks with Mr. Potter about a recent article of his published in the Journal that looks at the effects of the recent drought on our region in terms of hard numbers.

(4.) PONTI OPENS PSO - The Paducah Symphony Orchestra’s artistic director and conductor is Raffaele Ponti.  Maestro Ponti and the Orchestra are enjoying successes with each other.  Several standing ovations during their recent season opening concert evidence that capacity audiences are delighted to hear them perform together.  Kate Lochte has more.

(5.) MSU THEATRE : KAGURA DANCE - As seasons begin to change from summer to autumn, harvest festivals around the northern hemisphere are starting. In Japan, one of the traditions for the fall is the Kagura dance. Murray State College of Humanities and Fine Arts Dean Dr. Ted Brown, with help from members of the MSU Theatre department and Wrather Museum is bringing the Japanese dance troupe Iwami Kagura to the university next Tuesday. Shelly Baskin spoke with Dr. Brown about the presentation.

(6.) FULTON BANANA FESTIVAL - It’s been 50 years since Fulton KY has hosted the first banana festival, joining me on the line is festival organizer Christie Rogers. This year’s banana festival runs from Sept 22nd to Sept 29th I’m going to start with the most obvious question that locals to Fulton know, but I bet many of our listeners outside of Fulton don’t know, why Christie, is it called the banana festival?

Chad Lampe, a Poplar Bluff, Missouri native, was raised on radio. He credits his father, a broadcast engineer, for his technical knowledge, and his mother for the gift of gab. At ten years old he broke all bonds of the FCC and built his own one watt pirate radio station. His childhood afternoons were spent playing music and interviewing classmates for all his friends to hear. At fourteen he began working for the local radio stations, until he graduated high school. He earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology at Murray State, and a Masters Degree in Mass Communication. In November, 2011, Chad was named Station Manager in 2016.
Todd Hatton hails from Paducah, Kentucky, where he got into radio under the auspices of the late, great John Stewart of WKYX while a student at Paducah Community College. He also worked at WKMS in the reel-to-reel tape days of the early 1990s before running off first to San Francisco, then Orlando in search of something to do when he grew up. He received his MFA in Creative Writing at Murray State University. He vigorously resists adulthood and watches his wife, Angela Hatton, save the world one plastic bottle at a time.
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