On this day in 1992, the first SMS message was sent by a 22-year-old engineer Neil Papworth of Sema Group. He used a personal computer linked to the Vodafone network to send a text to Richard Jarvis which read, "Merry Christmas." He was a little shocked when the reply was LOL RU4 REAL?!?
It’s Monday, December 3
Western Baptist Hospital in Paducah hosts its annual “Stuff the Truck” food drive tomorrow from 7AM to 6PM. Bring canned goods and non-perishable food items for local food pantries to the Baptist Imaging Center parking lot, opposite the parking garage at 27th and Kentucky.
The Glema Mahr Center in Madisonville presents The Poulenc Trio tomorrow night at 7:30. The bassoon/oboe/piano trio is the most active touring piano-wind chamber music ensemble in the world. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased at (270) 821-ARTS.
The Mayfield/Graves County Alzheimer’s Support Group conducts its monthly meeting on Wednesday at the Graves County Public Library. This month’s topic is “Alzheimer’s and the Holidays.” The noon luncheon meeting is open to caregivers and anyone wanting to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease. For more information, call 247-7959.
Add your community events to the calendar at wkms.org. Thanks for listening.