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The Morning Cram [earl of grantham edition]

From NPR: From the uncomfortable costumes to the behavior of a disturbed footman, the cast of Downton Abbey talks about the upcoming season.

Kentucky: It will take an absurdly large amount of snowfall to restore fields back to their pre-drought condition. Andy Barr will be the newest Kentucky congressmen once he is sworn in this afternoon in Washington. No traffic fatalities happened in Kentucky over the New Year’s Day and the days leading up to it.

Tennessee: The U.S. Senate has approved four new TVA board members including western Tennessee native Mike McWherter.

Illinois: A nonpartisan vendor has begun to check the eligibility of people on Medicaid in the state. Bans on semiautomatic assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines are on their way to the full state Senate after being approved by a Senate committee. First-time meth users in Illinois now have the option of taking treatment for their addiction in place of jail time.

Whitney grew up listening to Car Talk to and from her family’s beach vacation each year, but it wasn’t until a friend introduced her to This American Life that radio really grabbed her attention. She is a recent graduate from Union University in Jackson, Tenn., where she studied journalism. When she’s not at WKMS, you can find her working on her backyard compost pile and garden, getting lost on her bicycle or crocheting one massive blanket.
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