From NPR: Many organic farmers are hopping mad right now at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Their reason? Fertilizer. The FDA, as part of its overhaul of food safety regulations, wants to limit the use of animal manure, which organic farmers call a precious resource and a basis of their farming practices.
Kentucky: Several items of business have been left undiscussed after the Paducah Area Community Reuse Organization failed to achieve a quorum at Wednesday's meeting. Kentucky tobacco farmers stand to lose an estimated $12,000,000 because of federal budget cuts related to the sequester. Kentucky lawmakers continue to work on implementing a fix to the state's troubled pension system, and they've been warned that failure will lead to dire consequences. Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear has announced more than $1.1 million to develop and maintain 20 trail projects throughout Kentucky.
Illinois: Fifteen Illinois counties now have state disaster declarations after strong weekend storms unleashed violent tornadoes.