There’s an AARP Safe Driving Class Wednesday morning from 8 to 12:30 at the Murray Calloway County Hospital Center for Health and Wellness. Kentucky insurances offer a discount to those who complete the class. Pre-registration is required. For more information on cost and age requirements, call (270) 762-1348.
West Kentucky Community and Technical College offers medical professionals CPR and AED training every fourth Wednesday of the month through the end of the year. Participants also receive first aid training. The course meets from 8 to 4:30 in the Emerging Technology Center. To register, call (270) 534-3335.
The Kentucky Drag Boat Association hosts drag boat races at Pisgah Bay on Kentucky Lake this weekend from 10 to 5 daily. Time trials are held on Saturday and the final races are on Sunday. Spectators should bring lawn chairs or ground blankets. For more information, visit