Master Storyteller Octavia Sexton presents a program of spine-tingling tales Thursday night at 7 at the McCracken County Public Library. Her stories meld the oral traditions of her English, Irish, and Cherokee ancestors. The program is free and open to the public as part of the library’s Evenings Upstairs program.
Learn about safe solar viewing techniques this Saturday from 11 to 4 at the Trail of Tears Commemorative Park in Hopkinsville. View the sun’s different layers through high-quality telescopes and learn about the solar eclipse coming up in 2017. The free event is led by guests from The Astronomy Channel and Austin Peay State University.
The Bull Blowout is this Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. at Murray State University’s William “Bill” Cherry Agricultural Exposition Center. Featured events include bull riding and barrel racing. Activities for children start at 7:30 and include a calf scramble and mutton busting.