Special Olympics Kentucky presents “Scramble for the Plunge” this Saturday morning at 8 at the Kentucky Dam Golf Course. The format is a four person scramble with all proceeds going to Marshall/Calloway Special Olympics. To register, call (270) 362-8658.
The Homeplace at Land Between the Lakes celebrates corn and its role on the 1850s farm this Saturday from 10 to 4. From 10 to noon, learn about cooking with corn in the 1850s. From 11 to noon, help make corn shocks in the field and turn the handle on the corn sheller. For more information, visit landbetweenthelakes.us.
The Paducah Jazz Ensemble Big Band, directed by Ron Roberts, hosts the Harvest Moon Ball Saturday, October 17, from 8-10:30 p.m. at the Robert Cherry Civic Center in Paducah. Event attire is semi-formal or formal. Tickets are available in advance or at the door. The advance reservation deadline is October 15. To make reservations, call (270) 898-0180 or email paducahjazz@gmail.com.