The Friends of the W.G. Rhea Library Large Annual Book Sale continues through this Saturday. Hours are today and tomorrow from 9 to 4 and Saturday from 9 to 2. Over 13,600 books are available for purchase, with discounts offered to Friends of the Library members. The sale is held at 400 West Washington Street in Paris.
The Kentucky School for the Blind and the West Kentucky Educational Cooperative host a White Cane Dinner Tuesday at the Gondolier restaurant in Paducah. The dinner begins at 5:30, and a program presented by Office for the Blind counselors begins at 6:30. A presentation by the Family Resource Specialist at the Kentucky School for the Blind follows. The public is invited to attend.
The National Quilt Museum exhibit titled "A Small Miracle of a Southern Island: Quilts of Caohagan" remains on display through Tuesday. For more information about the exhibit and to see the upcoming schedule, visit