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Phillip M. Bailey (KPR)

Kentucky Public Radio Correspondent

Philip Bailey is a reporter and political correspondent for Kentucky Public Radio based out of WFPL  in Louisville, Kentucky.

  • In a surprise move, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., challenged Democrats to vote on a bill to end the Bush era tax cuts for wealthier Americans. For the past week Senate Democrats have been pushing a bill similar to President Obama's plan to extend the tax relief for income only up to $250,000 annually. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promised he had enough votes to pass the 50-vote threshold if not for McConnell blocking a procedural vote with a filibuster. Speaking on the Senate floor, McConnell says the tax hike will hurt job creators, but that he is lifting the filibuster so the American people can see where lawmakers stand. "The only way to force people to take a stand is to make sure that today’s votes truly count. By setting these votes at a 50-vote threshold, nobody on the other side can hide behind a procedural vote while leaving their views on the actual bill itself a mystery to the people who sent them here," he says. According to The Wall Street Journal, Reid may not have enough votes, however. A number of Democratic lawmakers have balked at the proposal and are not backing the plan. McConnell says the plan being pushed by President Obama is purely ideological. "He’s the leader of the Democratic Party. He’s been calling for a vote on his plan. I for one think we ought to give the president what he’s been asking for, which is a vote on his plan,” says McConnell. The Constitution stipulates that any bill raising revenue must originate in the House, which guarantees that even if the Democratic-controlled Senate passes the bill it would be against the law. However, Reid still has a chance to out maneuver McConnell before the end of the day. From Talking Points Memo: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid can accept McConnell’s offer to hold the tax vote at a 50-vote threshold Wednesday (suggesting again that Reid has his members lined up to pass it), but insist on holding the vote under an agreement with McConnell that would resolve the blue slip problem. Specifically, when House Republicans pass their bill at the end of the month to extend all the Bush tax cuts, it would automatically be amended by the Senate with whichever bill that passes today, and sent back to the House. If the Democrats’ bill passes — as Reid is signaling it would — the issue gets automatically kicked back to House, putting Speaker John Boehner on the hook for taking middle income tax cuts hostage in order to preserve tax cuts for the rich. Stay tuned. UPDATE: By a 51-to-48 vote, the Democratic-controlled Senate passed a bill to extend the Bush tax cuts for middle-class Americans. The legislation allows the breaks to expire for income over $250,000 annually after Republicans ceased a filibuster. President Obama campaigned for only ending the tax cuts for wealthier Americans to pay their fair share, but GOP lawmakers argued the bill hurts job creators and small businesses that hire workers. "It boggles the mind to think that now, during an economic recession, Senate Democrats put forth a plan to raise taxes on nearly a million business owners, farmers, ranchers, and families. Their idea of a tax plan includes damaging tax increases that would severely hurt small businesses and hike the estate tax from 35 percent to 55 percent," said U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., adding no Americans should receive a tax increase. As observers note, the votes puts pressure on the Republican-controlled House to pass the legislation without extending the tax cuts for wealthier Americans. The Senate has rejected extending the breaks for all income earners, but Speaker John Boehner, R-Oh., says the House will reject the Democratic tax plan.
  • Could Kentucky be the next state to legalize medicinal use of marijuana? State Senator Perry Clark hopes so. He’s pre-filed the “Gatewood Galbraith…
  • Appearing on Fox & Friends, U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., defended the Affordable Care Act on Monday. The liberal congressman has accused Republicans—particularly Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell—of misleading the public about President Obama's health care law, but Yarmuth had a civil exchange on the Fox News Channel.
  • Congressman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., believes the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold the Affordable Care Act.The justices are expected to rule on President…
  • The Supreme Court strengthened its Citizens United case Monday when it struck down a 100-year-old Montana ban on corporate spending in state and local elections. In a summary reversal that had no oral arguments, justices ruled 5-to-4 against the state along the same lines it did for the controversial 2010 decision that allows for unlimited spending by companies and unions in federal campaigns. Locally, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Congressman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., have sat on opposite sides of this debate. McConnell issued a statement praising the high court's ruling as a victory for the First Amendment and exaggerated claims of corporate control. In another important victory for freedom of speech, the Supreme Court has reversed the Montana Supreme Court, upholding First Amendment free speech rights that were set out in Citizens United. As I pointed out in an amicus brief that I filed in the Montana case, a review of Federal Election Commission records of independent spending supporting the eight Republican presidential candidates earlier this year showed only minimal corporate involvement in the 2012 election cycle.
  • The paternal grandmother of Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes who appeared in TV ads during her granddaughter's successful campaign last year has died. Thelma Lundergan McHugh died at her home in Jessamine County, surrounded by her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and loved ones. She was 92. "My grandmother instilled in me the confidence that I could accomplish anything I put my mind to and taught me by example the importance of being involved in my community," Grimes said in a news release. Last fall, McHugh filmed a 30-second spot for Grimes during the 2011 general election along with the secretary of state's other maternal grandmother, Elsie Case. Political observers credited the commercial's creativity and positive pitch during an overall negative campaign season.
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is being scolded for flip-flopping on campaign disclosures after his denunciation of legislation requiring that Super PAC donors provide their names. Speaking before the American Enterprise Institute last week, McConnell argued that contributors to third party organization have a right to remain secret and that the Disclose Act is threatening their free speech. But local and national critics point out that wasn't McConnell's position a few years ago when he was at the forefront of opposing campaign finance reform. "Money is essential in politics, and not something that we should feel squeamish about, provided the donations are limited and disclosed, everyone knows who's supporting everyone else," McConnell told NPR's Talk of the Nation in 2003.
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., met with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in Washington on Wednesday, but sources…
  • Calling it the lesser of two evils, former U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning surprised political observers when he said he regreted endorsing Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.,…
  • Appearing on ESPN’s Sportscenter, Governor Steve Beshear and Lt. Governor Jerry Abramson discussed the upcoming game between the Louisville Cardinals and…